Six on Saturday 8th June 2019

Hello and to this weeks SOS.

The weather has been a little bit kinder this week and the garden is paying dividends. So much is going on in the garden I could write 5 six on Saturdays and only scratch the surface.

I have bought some new varieties of Sedum this week and I can’t wait to get my hands on them. They are Sedum Spurium Summer Snow, Sedum Spurium John Creech and Sedum Summer Glory (although I have since learnt that may be Sedum Dragons Blood which have already got). This weekend I am going to give half my tall Sedums (some fools actually call these Hylotelephium) a Chelsea chop and plant the cuttings on.

Here is my six.

1. New Sedums Troughs!

My friend Debs passed away a couple of years ago and I was visiting John her husband and a good friend when I saw these 2 planters in their garden. John is downsizing so I offered him some money for them. He would not take any and gifted to them to me saying Debs would want me to have them. I collected them and planted them up straight away. I have planted them with several Sedums and a Hidcote Lavender in each one. Sedum varieties include Oreganum, Caesars Gold, Green Mantle, Fuduglut, Hispacum, Dashyphllum and Cauticola.

2. Aeonium Zwartkop in the Rain

We had a lot of rain on Tuesday night and the garden was sparkling on Wednesday morning. This is the Aeonium I have directly in the garden. It is in my herbaceous Border and it is enjoying life. Since I got it as a tiny cutting in February it has grown 10 fold and is growing faster than ever. It will not be staying in the garden over winter and I will be lifting it in October.

3. Eryngiums

I have 5 varieties of Eryngiums now. In this photo we have the lime green one Eryngium Neptune’s Gold a new variety and at the back Eryngium Alpinum Blue Star which is blending in with a rose. The rose is Tottering by Gently a David Austin variety and this is gonna be absolutely stunning. I will probably post photo’s next week.

4. Another border picture

The herbaceous Border is really looking fantastic if I do say so myself. It really is filling in nicely. The only casualty is a Dahlia which has been gobbled but SAS. In this picture you can see 3 Heucheras Marmalade, Lime Marmalade and Red Sea. A silver bush that has yellow flowers which I can never remember the name of, 2 x Allium Artopurpureum which are intertwined and have acted like a 2 headed serpent this week. Allium Mount Everest, Geum Mai Tai, a Hydrangea I. The top right and many other plants.

5. Clematis Josephine

I posted a photo of this last week and said I thought it has been nibbled by Aphids. I couldn’t have been more wrong! This really is a Liberace of a Clematis. All it needs is a grand piano and a candelabra and it would make a fortune.

6. Sempervivum Noir

A photo for Granny that shows you why these planes are called Hen and Chicks. The parent plant produces offsets so after it flowers and dies the chicks will keep it alive. This Sempervivum is one of the ones that I have planted directly into my gravel area. I have 5 Semps planted directly into the garden and all are doing well. This is a wee project I have got at the moment to utilise more areas of the garden with planting.

Granny is that enough Sedums and Sempervivums for this week?

it is raining this morning and looks like it is here for the day. The weather forecast is as they say changeable for next week with the slight chance of hail up here. I spoke to my boss who lives in Lancashire and he said they had a hail storm yesterday and all the flowers and plants in her garden have take a bartering. I am debating whether to put some of my Succulents under cover.

That is my SOS. If you want to write one it is not that difficult. As always to find out how six on Saturday works please follow the following link The Propagator. The don of Six on Saturday.

Until this week goodbye.

28 Comments Add yours

  1. Linda Casper says:

    Lovely. I like it when there is a back story. The heucheras are an attractive addition to the border. I think I may move mine to give it a better site …. if the rain stops.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The sempervivum noir is stunning! Great pictures of your borders, love the mixed heuchera collection.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Noelle says:

    You post some of my favourite types of plants…aeoniums, sempervivums, clematis…none of which I am sharing this week, so seeing yours is lovely.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you….yup I am getting a little bit addicted to Sempervivums and Aeoniums.


  4. fredgardener says:

    Aeonium Zwartkop is a stunner! Especially with droplets. You don’t post too many sedums … For me, you are my source of knowledge about them. (2 years ago, I thought there were only 4-5 varieties …. Thank you SoS blogs and Twitter)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks Fred glad to be of service…

      Liked by 2 people

  5. One Man And His Garden Trowel says:

    Love the border shot. Sempervivum Noir aka Sempervivum Phwoar. Great photo!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks. No filter on that Sempervivum photo just a bit of cropping

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I love the clematis Josephine. Josephine was my later mother-in-law’s name and one year we planted up a large pot with a Josephine. Each year we’d scrap away the top layer of compost, cut off the old growth, then top with fresh compost and bark chippings. It survived for at least ten years and one house move and flowered very well. A lovely reminder, thank you..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your welcome. It really is a stunning plant….

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Thank you. – you are very thoughtful, I do like your sempervivums and Sedums as you know. I am surprised you say you are BECOMING addicted, I thought you already were! Lovely Six.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The first sign of an addiction is to say you haven’t an addiction. The second sign is admitting it Granny.


  8. tonytomeo says:

    Eryngium is so weirdly interesting nowadays. In 1986, there were only a few cultivars of it, and we grew only one as cut flower. It was unpleasant cut flower to handle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes there seems to be loads of culrivars now Tony.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh my, I may have to look for a Josephine clematis! She is utterly fantastic and your garden is going great guns!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She is fantastic isn’t she…


  10. PS I would also love to have those cement trugs! What a nice gift and remembrance!


  11. cavershamjj says:

    Love that clematis, and your border is looking nicely filled out. Is your silver plant artemesia?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think it is. It was one of those cheap shrubs that Morrison’s are selling. Will check the selection they have now.


  12. Heyjude says:

    Sempervivum Noir is a beauty as is that clematis! I do hope you will show us the different Eryngiums when they are in flower.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course I will show you the Eryngiums when they flower! I need to fill my SOS…😇

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Jim Stephens says:

    Santolina chamaecyparrisus. (Silver shrub) Love the wet Aeonium picture. Even your clematis is a monument to Fibonacci, looks stunning too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s it Jim! Thanks….


  14. janesmudgeegarden says:

    Your border photo is beautiful, no wonder you’re pleased with it.Thank you for the posts about sempervivens: I’ve learnt a lot and become very interested in them myself. Love the description of the clematis…very apt.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Jane. Yup Sempervivums are wonderful plants


  15. Lora Hughes says:

    The herbaceous border really is stunning & I would say that w/o your prompt. You’ve done really well there. Love the clematis & the noir. I’m looking for something to put in a very dry pot so hoped I’d find something in your SoS. Noir might just be that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. You need to blow your own trumpet sometimes!

      Liked by 1 person

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