Six on Saturday 22nd February 2020

Hello and welcome to this weeks Six on Saturday.

I have been watching the news this week with horror at the devastation caused by Storm Dennis last weekend. The amount of rain that has fallen over the last few weeks has been biblical and the floods horrific. Rather perversely however it has been rather dry up here in North Northumberland and we could do with a heavy shower. We have had a little rain but what has fallen has quickly been dried up by the strong winds. We seem to have our little micro climate up here. There has been a lot of rain in surrounding areas. As I said last week further up the Tweed Valley and it’s tributes and all the fields were sodden in Perthshire when I drove through there yesterday. I hope all of you reading this has escaped any major damage.

Here is my six.

1. Succulent obsessed moi!

I spent a great 2 to 3 hours last Saturday tidy up, re potting and splitting up part of my succulent collection. This is believe it or is a bout a third of my collection and I am running out of places to put them. To solve this problem I have orders myself and new mini greenhouse. Normally I would not be keeping these succulents out like this on February but it has been that mild I have left them on these shelfs. Needless to say I have been keeping an eye on the weather forecast daily and sometimes hourly.

2. More Succulents

I am going lSo what do you do when you have to many succulents and are running out of space to put them. Yup that’s right buy some more! I bought these 9 from a supplier on EBay to give me a little project for next weekend when I have booked a long weekend. There is a core of 4 main succulents from Mexico and the Southern States Echeveria, Sedum, Pachyphtum and Graptopetulam, all of them classified as stonecrops. All can be cross pollinated can be cross pollinated with other varieties. so you get hybrids called Seederveria, Pavhyveria, Graptoveria, Graptosedums. There is a few varieties of hybrids in the above photo.

3. Hepatica transsilvanica Blue

It’s always good to see these flowers open in the Spring. Hepaticas can be found all over the Northern Hemisphere. These are woodland plants and should be grown in shade in them summer months. Like most people I grow these in pots and move them somewhere more shadier later on on the year but will try and put them somewhere out from Slugs and Snails. I have bought a couple of more varieties this week and will be planting these into bigger pots next weekend.

4. Narcissus Night Cap

I was never really a fan of Daffodils and Narcissus until I watched an episode of Gardeners World last year. I went out and bought all the varieties featured. I now have 5 pots potted up and all are performing well.

5. Garden Border no 2

Is it just me or is there a lot more green than there should be in a February or at least lot more vibrant green. There is a lot going on in this photo. In the top right of the photo the light green plant is Clematis Salmon Rose which I have grown from seed and should flower this year. The darker green is a hebe who’s name escapes me. As I said before I like messy borders and as you can see above this one is exactly that.

6. New Lillies

Another job for my weekend off next weekend will be to plant some new Lillies. I have boughrb3 new varieties this year Columbia, Avalon Sunset and Avalon Sunset. The last lot I bought I planted directly into the garden and I lost most of them so this year I will be planting them in pots.

That is my six. As I finish writing there is a bit of a major squeal happening at the moment and one of my plastic mini greenhouses has a massive rip in it now so I am going to have to stage a rescue mission and put the plants somewhere else before work.

If you want to write a SOS blog it is not that difficult. As always to find out how six on Saturday works please follow the following link The Propagator. The don of Six on Saturday.

Until next week bye.

21 Comments Add yours

  1. It is great to see your collection all together, it is very impressive. Love the hepatica, that is something I have always wanted to try. Hope you managed the rescue mission alright!


  2. fredgardener says:

    A very impressive collection! And a few more to come… have a nice weekend Paul.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Fred. Working this weekend but so far I am enjoying it😂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Boy you have a lot of succulents. What do you do with them all? You have reminded me to pick up some lilies

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I propagate a lot of the succulents and give them to friends. In the future I want to start up my own business selling them but I have still a mortgage to pay so at the moment it is just a dream.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. We can all dream.
        I have lots of Aeoniums which I plan to sell for charity this year.


  4. Heyjude says:

    I threw all my lily bulbs away at the end of last year, I got so fed-up of the S&S munching them and destroying the flowers year after year. I made a pledge only to buy plants that are resistant to the little monsters. So maybe some more succulents!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh you always have to be aware of Slugs and Snails with regards succulents but most of them are resistant which is good. One of my Aeoniums is still getting munched at night.


  5. It will be interesting to see what your new succulents look like once they are potted up and settled in. Keep us posted, please.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great collection of succulents. My mother-in-law gave me some of her Hepaticas as she has a carpet of them. For some reason they’ve yet to spread in my garden. Pity as they’re beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes I just plant my Hepaticas in pots as they can get overpowered. I have the same problem with Hellebores. No matter what I do they don’t come back next year

      Liked by 1 person

  7. OH MY! I think you do have some work cut out for you! And a new greenhouse in the works too! I envy you! A man after my own heart when you already have soooooooooo many plants you must must have a few more! I never knew you could buy plants on ebay!!!!!! I will have to look into that…….Great post as ever!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ah not a new greenhouse as such just one of those mini ones you can get…


      1. Amazing how much you can fit in though


      2. I’d like any greenhouse !


  8. Susurrus says:

    Your small succulents look so sweet and you made me smile by saying the best response to having too many was to buy some more. All plant lovers know that impulse.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. tonytomeo says:

    I do not believe that I ever purchased a succulent. There are many here, but they were all grown from bits from somewhere else. I see succulents in nurseries, but do not feel compelled to purchase any. I think I might feel guilty if I did.


  10. janesmudgeegarden says:

    A very busy time ahead for you, planting up all those succulents. I’m fascinated with the idea of cross pollinating and getting hybrids. Btw, influenced by your blog I purchased some sempervivens but they succumbed to some kind of mealy bug thing that I was never quite able to get rid of.😕

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Lora Hughes says:

    I laughed at your cure for too many plants was to buy more plants. There’ll be a space somewhere, for sure – did you get the torn greenhouse mended? An image search of your narcissus had me falling in love – can see why you bought them. Good luck w/the lilies.

    Liked by 1 person

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